
Middle East and North Africa: ACTION Meeting in Abu Dhabi
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>In 2016, the establishment of the Arab Countries Trade and Investment Organisations Network (ACTION) under the AfTIAS programme marked a pivotal step towards fostering Arab regional integration. ACTION emerged from the collective ambition of Arab nations to enhance their trade and investment landscape, driven by a mutual commitment to prosperity and interconnectedness within the region.</p><p>Following its formation, ACTION initiated its journey with a key meeting in Dubai. This event was crucial in defining the network&rsquo;s structure and operational guidelines, effectively transforming ACTION from a concept to a functioning entity.</p><p>In 2018, a significant gathering took place in Paris, offering a valuable chance for reflection, reassessment, and revitalization of the network&rsquo;s strategies and direction.</p><p>ACTION stands at a crossroads, poised to redefine its trajectory in an ever-changing global landscape. The Abu Dhabi workshop is not merely a gathering; it is a clarion call for strategic introspection and visionary planning.</p><p>The focus will be on conducting a comprehensive reassessment of the network&rsquo;s current state, identifying areas ripe for innovation and improvement. This exercise is crucial in charting a course that not only addresses the immediate needs of the region but also positions ACTION as a leader in the global trade arena.</p><p>Furthermore, the workshop will emphasize the strengthening of bonds between member TIPOs. In a world where economic fortunes are increasingly intertwined, fostering unity and cohesion within the network is paramount. This reinforced solidarity will be the cornerstone of more effective and impactful regional trade initiatives.</p><p>A significant deliverable of this workshop will be the development of a future roadmap. This roadmap will not just be a strategic document; it will be a manifesto of ACTION&apos;s aspirations and commitments for the coming years. It will outline specific goals, milestones, and initiatives that will propel the network towards new heights of success and influence.</p>

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Somalia: Economic self-reliance through digital work for displacement affected communities
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>Building on ITC&apos;s Refugee Employment and Skills Initiative in Somalia which will be completed in early 2021,<span>&nbsp;ITC continues to deploy&nbsp;</span>innovative ways to build self-reliance and economic resilience in protracted humanitarian situations. This project will provide entrepreneurship and business development support for income generation through online work opportunities for Somali returnees and internally displaced persons, enabling them to improve their wellbeing. The project will also address mechanisms for online businesses to be resilient in response to shocks and changes due to COVID-19.</p>

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AfCFTA: Identifying sustainable regional value chains at continental scale
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The overall objective of the proposed project is to attract investment and promote trade and sustainable industrial and business development at continental level, concretely supporting the AfCFTA Secretariat and the African Union and delivering on the Africa-EU partnership for sustainable growth and jobs.&nbsp;</p><p>The project contributes to this objective by</p><ul><li>identifying trade and investment opportunities along regional value chains with potential at continental scale in Africa, including potential for investment by EU economic operators;</li><li>Strengthening the EU-Africa dialogue on trade and economic integration, informing high-level events such as the upcoming AU-EU Summit and European- African Business Forum (EABF)</li><li>identifying pilot/selected continental value chains that could be targeted for support in the EU 2021-27 aid programming exercise.</li></ul><p>It supports the implementation of the AfCFTA and ITC&apos;s One Trade Africa Initiative.</p>

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Arab States: Aid for Trade initiative
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
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Refugee Employment and Skills Initiative: Building Solutions for Somali Refugees in a Fragile Protracted Displacement Scenario (RESI Dadaab II)
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Economic opportunities for refugees and their hosts 

The International Trade Centre’s Refugee Employment and Skills Initiative (RESI) provides innovative, trade-led and market-based solutions to create jobs and generate income for refugees and the communities where they live.  

RESI works with refugees and their host communities in Gaza, Kenya, and Somalia in the areas of online freelancing and home décor. These areas provide viable paying jobs for people in unstable conditions who may be subject to such security challenges as movement restrictions and repatriation.  

We provide training and mentorships and through our private and public partnerships, link the unique skills of the different communities to market needs for specific services and products.  

RESI is ITC’s first direct implementation in refugee camps. Through collaboration with partners like the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), RESI is a great example of what humanitarian-development cooperation can achieve. 


Now I feel like part of the glowing stars of the globe. I feel a sense of belonging to a world that I once felt very disconnected from. We are not fitted to be refugees forever. We might not be privileged as others. But we should not sleep and wait for miracles to happen. We should stop depending on others and find a purpose in life.
Now I feel like part of the glowing stars of the globe. I feel a sense of belonging to a world that I once felt very disconnected from. We are not fitted to be refugees forever. We might not be privileged as others. But we should not sleep and wait for miracles to happen. We should stop depending on others and find a purpose in life.
Osman Abdullahi Osman
Online Freelancer, Dadaab Collective
I will never forget the feeling I had. Earning $5,000 is something that I could never have imagined, even in my wildest dreams.
I will never forget the feeling I had. Earning $5,000 is something that I could never have imagined, even in my wildest dreams.
Hanan Abu Zaid
Online Freelancer and Founder of Will Benefit Marketing Agency
I have gained new skills and confidence. This will help me get more jobs and earn money, which on the other hand will help me raise my family in a comfortable manner. At least, we will not starve if one day the camp will close. I know I can be able to live anywhere knowing I have skills to earn money.
I have gained new skills and confidence. This will help me get more jobs and earn money, which on the other hand will help me raise my family in a comfortable manner. At least, we will not starve if one day the camp will close. I know I can be able to live anywhere knowing I have skills to earn money.
Martha Ali
Online Freelancer, Kakuma Refugee Camp
Before RESI, I had problems with graphic skills and video production. I understood the tools but was never comfortable enough to go after gigs and work at it professionally. I also did not understand how one can use social media for marketing or do business that generates money.
Before RESI, I had problems with graphic skills and video production. I understood the tools but was never comfortable enough to go after gigs and work at it professionally. I also did not understand how one can use social media for marketing or do business that generates money.
Mohamed Omer
Online Freelancer Hargeisa


RESI is a great example of what humanitarian-development cooperation can achieve.
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>RESI deploys innovative ways to address self-reliance and economic resilience in protracted humanitarian situations. The RESI Dadaab project will provide support to entrepreneurship and business development for income generation to address the rapid phasing out of humanitarian assistance in the Dadaab camps and support Somali refugees to be able to maintain their well-being in the immediate future, including by supporting returnees in Somalia.&nbsp;</p><p>The Area Based Livelihoods Initiative &ndash;Garissa (ABLI-G) is a three (3)-year project &nbsp;funded by the European Union (EU) Trust Fund for Stability and Addressing the Root Causes of Irregular Migration and Displaced Persons in Africa (EUTF). The project aims to further promote an enabling environment for income generation in terms of access to formal and informal business opportunities and freedom of movement, finance, market linkages, and more. ABLI - G aligns closely to the work done already under RESI and is a continuation of the work being done to develop the digital services and artisanal value chains in Dadaab and Garissa County.&nbsp;</p>

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Sub-Saharan Africa
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While multi-dimensional poverty remains high in sub-Saharan Africa, the continent's high growth rates and youthful demographics make it an attractive investment destination. Big opportunities exist to create jobs, boost incomes and reduce poverty by connecting African small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to international trade and increasing local value addition to Africa’s assets in agrifood, manufacturing and services. ITC’s emphasis on digital connectivity and the green transition is helping transform digital landscapes across Sub Saharan Africa with our support to tech startups and tech hubs.

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Least developed countries
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We deliver customized solutions for least developed countries (LDCs), enabling them to increase their participation in the global economy and reach development goals through exports. We focus on creating access to digital technologies and capabilities in LDCs, where current internet penetration is at 27%, as this is increasingly critical to ensure opportunities are universally shared. We also assist LDCs in their bid for WTO membership, and support their implementation of WTO agreements.

1 %
LDCs' share of global trade
95 %
of all jobs in LDCs are in small businesses
90 %
of all companies globally are small businesses
100+ projects
implemented by ITC in 43 LDCs
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Middle East and North Africa
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ITC’s work in the Middle East and North Africa regions includes encouraging the exports of textiles and clothing to promote employment and income generation throughout the value chain. This includes focusing on institutional infrastructure and policy as well as product diversification, digitalization and e-commerce,  social and environmental sustainability and gender inclusivity.

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