Syrian Arab Republic

Middle East and North Africa: ACTION Meeting in Abu Dhabi
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>In 2016, the establishment of the Arab Countries Trade and Investment Organisations Network (ACTION) under the AfTIAS programme marked a pivotal step towards fostering Arab regional integration. ACTION emerged from the collective ambition of Arab nations to enhance their trade and investment landscape, driven by a mutual commitment to prosperity and interconnectedness within the region.</p><p>Following its formation, ACTION initiated its journey with a key meeting in Dubai. This event was crucial in defining the network&rsquo;s structure and operational guidelines, effectively transforming ACTION from a concept to a functioning entity.</p><p>In 2018, a significant gathering took place in Paris, offering a valuable chance for reflection, reassessment, and revitalization of the network&rsquo;s strategies and direction.</p><p>ACTION stands at a crossroads, poised to redefine its trajectory in an ever-changing global landscape. The Abu Dhabi workshop is not merely a gathering; it is a clarion call for strategic introspection and visionary planning.</p><p>The focus will be on conducting a comprehensive reassessment of the network&rsquo;s current state, identifying areas ripe for innovation and improvement. This exercise is crucial in charting a course that not only addresses the immediate needs of the region but also positions ACTION as a leader in the global trade arena.</p><p>Furthermore, the workshop will emphasize the strengthening of bonds between member TIPOs. In a world where economic fortunes are increasingly intertwined, fostering unity and cohesion within the network is paramount. This reinforced solidarity will be the cornerstone of more effective and impactful regional trade initiatives.</p><p>A significant deliverable of this workshop will be the development of a future roadmap. This roadmap will not just be a strategic document; it will be a manifesto of ACTION&apos;s aspirations and commitments for the coming years. It will outline specific goals, milestones, and initiatives that will propel the network towards new heights of success and influence.</p>

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NENA: Enhancing Food Security through Trade Facilitation
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>In view of the challenges to the trade of agricultural products in the NENA region, ITC will provide support<strong>&nbsp;to enhance intra-regional trade in selected agricultural value chains by removing obstacles to export, transit and import.</strong></p><p>The main objectives of this initiative are:</p><ul><li>To improve the livelihood of small-scale producers by unleashing new business opportunities through exports to regional markets</li><li>To reduce the cost of agricultural products for populations in NENA countries that are dependent on imports.</li></ul>

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Syria: Enabling through digital channels
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The Syrian population has suffered and continues to suffer from the most tragic humanitarian crisis of our time. &nbsp;In the past seven years, Syria experienced an internal civil war, which has left almost half of the population either internally displaced or with refugee status in neighbouring countries. A regular and seasonally driven humanitarian assistance has managed to halt the rapid deterioration of the socio-economic vulnerability faced by refugees and IDPS. Yet, very little has been done on the economic empowerment of IDPs.&nbsp;</p><p>In this difficult context, there is an urgent need for initiatives that can support IDPs in improving their economic resilience by equipping them with the necessary skills and market access to achieve long-term sustainable economic activity. The proposed project aims to reinforce basic capabilities in design and create market linkages for producers of artisanal products, handicrafts and traditional Syrian goods, to international markets.&nbsp;</p><p>This project addresses issues related to understanding market preferences for typical goods produced in Syria: how to improve designs and propose attractive pricing. &nbsp;Outputs include an inventory of the production of these goods in Syria, market positioning recommendations for selected typical products, training and advisory on quality and value improvements, and market connections to international buyers.</p>

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Promoting Labour Market Integration of Syrians under Temporary Protection and Host Communities in Turkey
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The ITC project will contribute to the impact aimed by the larger programme, which is to strengthen the economic and social resilience of Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTP) in Turkey.</p><p>The main outcome of the ITC project will be strengthened business and trade competitiveness of MSMEs. Thus enabling environment for business development and economic growth in identified sectors and geographic locations to address job creation and stimulate entrepreneurship opportunities for SuTP and Turkish host communities.</p><p>Project outputs will include (i) business plans and enterprise strategies developed for target beneficiaries and (ii) institutional support structures for MSMEs and business development enhanced.</p><p>The ITC project will focus on the Entrepreneurship development of 50 start-ups and capacity building of 500 beneficiaries (Syrian and Turkish).</p><p>Partners: IOM; KOSGEB.</p><p>This will help address issues related to:</p><ul type="disc"><li>Reducing informal employment;</li><li>Creating greater opportunities for women and men to decent employment and income;</li><li>Strengthening competitiveness and productivity of SMEs;</li><li>Promoting safe work places.</li></ul>

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Middle East and North Africa
Contextual menu

ITC’s work in the Middle East and North Africa regions includes encouraging the exports of textiles and clothing to promote employment and income generation throughout the value chain. This includes focusing on institutional infrastructure and policy as well as product diversification, digitalization and e-commerce,  social and environmental sustainability and gender inclusivity.

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