
Global: Enhanced transparency and simplified trade formalities for business competitiveness
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The objective of this project is to enhance the functionalities and effective use of Trade Facilitation Portals by beneficiary countries with a view to create a more conducing cross-border environment for traders through improved transparency and simplified trade formalities.<span>&nbsp;This project builds upon ITC - UNCTAD longstanding partnership in the area of trade facilitation and creates opportunities for further build synergies across the agencies&apos; respective technical assistance offering.</span></p>

External ID
Global: Advancing Women’s Economic Empowerment (SheTrades)
First name
Aida Lizbeth
Last name
Becerra Garza

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The &quot;SheTrades - Asian Development Bank: Advancing Women&rsquo;s Economic Empowerment&quot; project aims to enhance the economic empowerment of women entrepreneurs in Asian countries.&nbsp;</p><p>The project seeks to foster a more equitable financial environment for women by capacitating selected ADB partner banks with gender financing methodologies and good practices. This entails training the partner banks in the development, implementation, and fortification of gender-lens financing strategies, aiming to better address the financial needs of women-led businesses.</p><p>The intervention will also make existing resources accessible to Asian women, by translating SheTrades Academy online training modules into Bengali, Russian, and Vietnamese. This translation endeavour aims to provide crucial information to Bengali, Vietnamese, and Russian-speaking women entrepreneurs in ADB countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kirgizstan), spanning the spectrum from start-ups to established businesses, fostering the enhancement of their business acumen for improved participation in regional and global value chains.</p><p><br></p>

Funding partners
External ID
Central Asia: Ready4Trade (R4TCA)
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Areas of work

Establishing Trade Facilitation Portals

Trade Facilitation Portals are online tools for transparency and predictability of cross-border trade formalities. The portals provide traders with product-specific information on procedures to facilitate export, import and transit operations. They also contribute to countries’ compliance with Article 1.2 of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.

Addressing obstacles to trade

The initiative aims to remove obstacles to trade on selected export flows originating from the Central Asian countries to reduce the time and cost of cross-border procedures. Ten intra- and extra-regional trade flows have been identified in coordination with national implementation partners. The methodology identifies key regulatory, technical, and procedural barriers faced by businesses across the trade flows, and then designs recommendations and reforms to remove them.

Training SMEs to comply with cross-border requirements

The Cross-Border Management Curriculum is a series of 20 courses targeting local exporters.

The curriculum covers topics ranging from the export process and customs procedures to the market analysis, conformity standards, international logistics, and the detailed rules for exporting specific products to specific regions.

The partner institutions will be trained by ITC to deliver the curriculum both online, on dedicated national platforms known as Virtual Learning Spaces, and at physical workshops.


Coaching SMEs through export management services

The Export Management Coaching Initiative offers practical and action-oriented advisory services to businesses. It is delivered by local experts with extensive experience in the fields of import/export, freight forwarding and logistics. The initiative provides in-person five-day training (coaching missions) at the premises of the company, and covers five thematic export areas.

Supporting SMEs to engage in e-commerce

SMEs strengthen their online trade through capacity building, advisory services and partnerships. In-depth technical assistance is provided to digitally advanced SMEs in the form of eLabs to develop and improve new online channels.

Fostering women participation in trade

Addressing gender-specific challenges in cross-border trade is essential for women’s economic empowerment. The gender component contributes to:

  • Raising awareness of government officials on gender-responsive trade facilitation and gender-disaggregated trade data
  • Building confidence and capacity of women on cross-border trade and trade advocacy



Video gallery

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The 4-year EU-funded Project is a trade component of a larger EU-funded programme which aims to support Investment, Competitiveness and Trade in Central Asia, thus contributing to sustainable and inclusive economic development in the region. The Project will support the development of intra-regional and international trade in five Central Asian countries. This will be done by enhancing the transparency of cross-border requirements, removing regulatory and procedural barriers, strengthening business capability to comply with trade formalities and standards, as well as by improving cross-border e-commerce. The Project will be implemented by the International Trade Centre in close collaboration with national partners.</p><p>The Project will target selected sectors / value chains in each country based on the export potential and accounting for participation of women in the labour force in the sector. Each intervention will be customized to meet specific needs of the beneficiary countries. A 6-month inception phase will be carried out to calibrate the project approach and customise it to each country individual needs. &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p>

Social media
External ID
Central Asian Trade Intelligence Portal (CATI)
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>Enhancing the trade potential of Central Asian countries by providing SMEs with essential trade intelligence information on markets, trade flows, tariffs and import requirements, mandatory quality requirements and standards as well as by strengthening trade ties between the European Union and four Central Asian partners.</p>

External ID
Ethical Fashion Initiative
Focal Point
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Ethical Fashion: Reshaping the Industry to Benefit the World

A weaver at work on a Faso Danfani textile, with CABES, EFI’s social enterprise partners in Burkina Faso.
A weaver at work on a Faso Danfani textile, with CABES, EFI’s social enterprise partners in Burkina Faso.
© Big Style Media House

The Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) is reshaping the fashion industry with its support for sustainable production, human rights and the reduction of poverty.

Working at the nexus of international development, fashion and lifestyle sectors, EFI is contributing to decent work for thousands of artisans, most of them women, and connecting their products to luxury brands across the world.

EFI supports low carbon processes, working with artisans producing handcrafted, climate-neutral goods, using natural dyes and age-old techniques.

The fashion industry directly relates to the well-being of millions of workers, the environment and the climate. Ethical fashion promotes all the needs and rights of those involved in the industry to ensure respect for both society and the environment.


A sustainable path for the fashion industry

Sustainability Services

EFI is partnered with the National Chamber of Italian Fashion (Camera della Moda), a leading influence with the largest luxury brands in the world, to create a framework to assess the industry on its environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. Find out more 


Sustainability Products


EFI is partnered with Artisan Fashion, connecting Africa’s artisans of traditional skills and creative talents to luxury brands. Find out more


Decarbonized Supply Chains

EFI and Artisan Fashion manage an international decarbonized supply chain, a network of social enterprises coordinating the work of artisans from the Global South in order to produce for luxury clients worldwide. Find out more


Business development projects


EFI’s Designer Accelerator, Opportunities are Here and Business Lab projects aim to develop sustainable business to its full potential and harness the power of creative industries to be a force for good. Find out more

Female workers organize beaded panels that have arrived at the Artisan Fashion Factory from local beading communities
Do it yourself! Female workers organize beaded panels that have arrived at the Artisan Fashion Factory from local beading communities. Artisan Fashion coordinates the work of talented artisan groups throughout Kenya to enable them to become suppliers of international luxury brands.
Louis Nderi

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In the media

13 Feb 2024

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

For the Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI), lifestyle choices impact livelihoods. EFI acts as a bridge, connecting marginalized artisan communities in emerging economies with discerning global lifestyle brands, creating meaningful work and fair, decent working conditions.


We develop and sustain social enterprises, designers, artisans and micro-producers in fashion, interiors and fine foods. We build on tradition, heritage and craftsmanship, and inject modern production and business practices to improve quality, consistency and productivity while leaving intact the intrinsic value of the product’s provenance. 

Culture project: Identity Building and Sharing Business Initiative
Central Asia: Developing entrepreneurial skills and providing access to international market to lifestyle sector artisans, micro-producers (Ethical Fashion Initiative)
Funding partners
Culture project: Identity Building and Sharing Business Initiative
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Boosting the creative industries 

Culture reflects a people’s uniqueness, value and heritage. Strengthening a nation’s culture through its art, fashion and design, builds social networks, reinforces identities and creates trade and business opportunities.  

The International Trade Centre’s Ethical Fashion Initiative (EFI) Culture showcases creativity and talent in art, photography, cinema and music in Côte d’Ivoire, Iran, Kenya, Mali, Tajikistan, Uganda and Uzbekistan. 

We work with the private sector to strengthen these cultural sectors and increase their exports.  

EFI builds on existing skills and creativity, investing in human, productive and marketing capacity to bring intrinsic value to the surface, so people across the world can enjoy it and the communities creating it can thrive.  

The EU supports the EFI Culture Programme as part of “Investing in Culture and Creativity,” launched in 2017. 


When I was a little girl, I liked to sit near my mother and observe her when she was sewing dresses. Later on, I adopted these skills. This knowledge turned into an income-generating activity that has helped cover all of my children’s expenses. I am always working on developing my skills to do my best when completing each order.
When I was a little girl, I liked to sit near my mother and observe her when she was sewing dresses. Later on, I adopted these skills. This knowledge turned into an income-generating activity that has helped cover all of my children’s expenses. I am always working on developing my skills to do my best when completing each order.
Mavjuda Nabieva
Embroiderer, OZARA
Social Enterprise specialised in embroidery, Tajikistan
Social Enterprise specialised in embroidery, Tajikistan
I am happy to be able to stay at home and contribute to my family’s income. We get more money than the workers of the other fields, and I like weaving new motifs of Adras and Velvet with every new project. I would like to thank all the people who bought the woven fabrics for this project.
I am happy to be able to stay at home and contribute to my family’s income. We get more money than the workers of the other fields, and I like weaving new motifs of Adras and Velvet with every new project. I would like to thank all the people who bought the woven fabrics for this project.
Ikat Uz
Social Enterprise specialised in weaving, Uzbekistan
Social Enterprise specialised in weaving, Uzbekistan
I am still facing many challenges. But I hope that one day soon I might have a chance to get investors or donors interested in my business, so I can sell my fashion locally and internationally.
I am still facing many challenges. But I hope that one day soon I might have a chance to get investors or donors interested in my business, so I can sell my fashion locally and internationally.
Safiatou Kone
Safi Creations
Jewellery Business, Cote D’Ivoire
Jewellery Business, Cote D’Ivoire
The Accelerator has taught me to appreciate and understand my brand and its potential. EFI was able to bring that out. The Accelerator has left me feeling more confident and competitive in the global fashion market and provided me with additional value in what I’m doing.
The Accelerator has taught me to appreciate and understand my brand and its potential. EFI was able to bring that out. The Accelerator has left me feeling more confident and competitive in the global fashion market and provided me with additional value in what I’m doing.
Jennifer Mulli
JIamini Kenya
EFI Designer Accelerator Brand
EFI Designer Accelerator Brand
Strengthening a nation’s culture through art, fashion and design builds social networks, reinforces identities and creates business opportunities.
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>EFI has mobilised consumers and creative skills to leverage a new positioning for artisans from marginalized communities in the international markets of lifestyle and fashion/luxury. EFI has enabled new creative talents to trade internationally and to get access to platforms of e-commerce and promotion that are reshaping the segment of ethical fashion, which is now a mainstream part of the market.</p><p>EFI&rsquo;s experience illustrates how investing in human capital through culture means bringing about change at the level of:</p><ul><li>Individuals, who become involved in training, capacity building and personal transformation/consciousness raising, workshops and/or business processes, dialogue and encounters;</li><li>Consumers and citizens, who become mobilized through media and/or action campaigns;</li><li>Professional development, supply and collaboration networks, who become involved through a series of relationship-building processes, joint efforts and practical programs on substantive problems linked to product development and market responses; and,</li><li>Communities, where social capital is developed and/ or solidified by connecting new human resources (from the informal sector) to existing formal business and social networks.</li></ul>

External ID
Landlocked developing countries
Contextual menu

ITC delivers customised solution for landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) that confront particular trade development challenges and works to effectively integrate them into the global trading system. Although they lack territorial access to the sea, these countries can overcome trade barriers by joining regional and global value chains, improving diversification, enacting sound trading policies and improving their logistics, infrastructure and institutions.

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