
ACP Business-friendly: Supporting value chains through inclusive policies, investment promotion and alliances
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Kazi Syed


Putting the value back in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries value chains.


Specialty coffee barista in Ethiopia

We at ITC know that smallholder farmers and small firms are the foundation of sustainable food systems in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Yet many lack the opportunities to diversify, add value and compete in domestic, regional and global markets. 

Through our Alliances for Action approach, we are offering micro-level interventions through the ACP Business-Friendly Programme, promoting inclusive and sustainable agricultural value chains in areas such as coffee, cocoa, cotton, and kava. 

Adding value to products and promoting local consumption can help create economies of scale and empower agribusiness communities, allowing farmers and their families to thrive. 

Our project draws on a holistic approach, working both at the farm level and on building artisan skills like chocolate-making, coffee roasting and even barista techniques. Building up these sustainable production practices will help farmers absorb economic shocks as well as help attract investments. 

I’m elated to build on our knowledge and skills in coffee through this cupping and roasting training, especially in our beautiful and resourceful continent. Thank you for welcoming me, I look forward to taking Liberica coffee forward.
I’m elated to build on our knowledge and skills in coffee through this cupping and roasting training, especially in our beautiful and resourceful continent. Thank you for welcoming me, I look forward to taking Liberica coffee forward.
Sangai Brisbine
Brisco Natural Coffee, Liberia


Achieving a living income and a better quality of life for producers guides our approach.
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Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>In 2018, the ACP Secretariat, the EC, together with ITC, UNIDO and the World Bank finalized the Joint Proposal for a five-year Program (hereafter the &lsquo;Program&rsquo;) aiming at (1) adopting and implementing business-friendly and inclusive national policies and legal frameworks, and (2) strengthening productive, processing, promoting and marketing capabilities and value chains. The three agencies will respectively deliver micro-, meso-, and macro-level activities, and will ensure the appropriate level of coordination and synergies aiming to deliver integrated solutions to ACP countries.&nbsp;</p><p align="JUSTIFY" dir="LTR">The program includes country-level interventions, as well as Rapid Response and Regional Engagement windows for each of the three pillars. The Rapid Response window aims at swiftly responding to emerging beneficiary needs given emerging demands in the thematic areas of the Program; the Regional Engagement window will primarily aim to promote knowledge exchange, best practices and experience capture and sharing to contribute to two fundamental objectives.&nbsp;</p>

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Fast Tracking Digital Entrepreneurship in Africa - Phase 1
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Powering digital change in Sub Saharan Africa 

Digital entrepreneurship is accelerating Africa’s digital transformation, and ITC through its #FastTrackTech project is at the forefront of the change. Our work with tech start-ups and digital markets is changing lives. 

Farmers in Cote d’Ivoire are prospering after a FastTrackTech-supported business developed a mobile platform linking farmers to customers. Students in Rwanda were able to continue classes online and develop more digital literacy skills when schools were forced to close during the pandemic.  

We have been working in Benin, Ethiopia, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia since October 2019, and our project has been extended to 2023 continuing in Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia. We provide online and onsite training, advice and coaching centred on building up digital and business skills, to fast track the internationalization of selected tech start-ups and tech ecosystems. 

Africa’s growing digital economy offers opportunities to generate jobs and contribute to economic growth and productivity. Digital entrepreneurship can help close the growing digital gender gap, favours younger generations, and can be key to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Helping Africa’s tech sector go international 

There are still challenges preventing the tech sector from contributing to its full potential, such as regulations, business support, technical and business skills, and linking to international markets. FastTrackTech Africa is solving these challenges by:  

  • working with policymakers to foster business-friendly entrepreneurial ecosystems. 

  • supporting next-generation trade support institutions, in particular tech hubs and business support organisations. 

  • building up the business and technical skills of tech start-ups and digital entrepreneurs and connecting them to market partners and investors. 

  • helping innovators develop their products and define their value proposition, and providing customised support to growth-stage start-ups. 

  • supporting start-ups to attend pitching events and major tech trade fairs and facilitate introductions to partner venture capital firms. 

ITC Tools

A bilingual digital tool developed by ITC that helps assess different areas of a start-up, such as financial management, communication, and strategic vision. The diagnosis also assesses obstacles to growth, strategic direction, management, marketing, and exports. The tool then draws up an informative and comprehensive assessment that allows users to compare their business practices against best practices, identify gaps and see their competitive advantages. 
At the end of each session, the tool generates a report, a dashboard with a bench-marking system and a radar chart showing the results, and recommendations for action. This tool is also developed as a web-based application. 

The Due-Diligence (DD) Tool was developed to support start-ups become investment ready by taking them through a due diligence process. Start-ups and entrepreneurs are evaluated on business evaluation, exit evaluation, operations, economics, business model, customer and product, and the market. The exercise consists of one-hour face-to-face meetings with the start-ups and a detailed questionnaire that reviews the most critical DD areas. It then generates a radar chart result with automated recommendations for improvement on low scores. 

The Internationalization Readiness tool assesses the potential of a tech start-up to expand internationally. A detailed questionnaire evaluates different areas such as the tech start-up's service offering, growth strategy, and market entry approach. Based on the findings, a report will be shared with the start-up, including a benchmark view on the expansion readiness of the start-up. 

At the level of the market, we connect businesses with other businesses and investors. This includes different networking opportunities and exposure to potential investors. ITC regularly organizes events, such as mass challenges, which pool start-ups from client countries to pitch for funding. ITC also supports start-ups to attend pitching events like Slush and Seedstars, and facilitates introductions to partner Venture Capital firms where relevant. 

When working with start-ups, we offer coaching on improving different aspects. For instance, coaching on how to pitch is an essential element for the start-ups to thrive. 

External Tools

Many entrepreneurs come up with a great business idea, however it can be hard to materialize the concept. Where do you start, what do you need to get started, how to turn this idea into reality? These questions and more are answered in an on-demand webinar offered by Stanford.  

The Value Proposition Canvas has a customer profile that describes how a business relates to the customer’s jobs, pains and gains, according to their importance, severity and relevance, and a value map that includes products and services, pain relievers, and gain creators which the business generates. The Value Proposition Canvas makes sure that entrepreneurs can clearly explain the values they bring to the customers. 

The Business Model Canvas is a template that helps entrepreneurs developing their business models to best describe how their organizations create, deliver and capture value. This template is taken from Strategyzer  and delivers a strategic and lean business model canvas that shows the logic of how a company intends to make money.  

Factory24 is an initiative in which Afrolynk aims to mentor and train individuals and entrepreneurs in the tech sector, by creating a platform for young Africans to learn for free and pay for the certification. The goal is to be the source of disruptive innovations in Africa to develop and build solutions that overcome current social-economic challenges and transform Africa's human capital in technology.

FoxyMojo is a Malaysian financial valuation and advisory consultancy that offers an online due diligence and valuation service. Selected start-ups will be evaluated including their three- to five-year strategic plan/pitch deck, and offered advice onbusiness value for fundraising, a consultation on valuation results which includes financial advisory, and a membership to Foxymojo’s Business network for South-East Asia and global market access and investment opportunities.  

We hope to scale up and expand the solution to West Africa. ICT4Dev helped us with training, online sales and payments. The volume of sales increased by 40%-50%.
We hope to scale up and expand the solution to West Africa. ICT4Dev helped us with training, online sales and payments. The volume of sales increased by 40%-50%.
Jean Delmas Ehui, Founder
ICT4DEV, Cote d’Ivoire
A mobile platform linking farmers to customers
A mobile platform linking farmers to customers
One of our target areas is cleaning services, where we work mainly with women. This helps support them and their families, so they don't feel they have to go leave the country to get a job.
One of our target areas is cleaning services, where we work mainly with women. This helps support them and their families, so they don't feel they have to go leave the country to get a job.
Yonas Abeje
Lead, Taskmoby, Ethiopia
A digital marketplace offering home services
A digital marketplace offering home services
#FastTrackTech taught us how to pitch to investors, we took part in human resource training, and attended international conferences.
#FastTrackTech taught us how to pitch to investors, we took part in human resource training, and attended international conferences.
Marius Okouin
Co-founder, Izichange, Benin  
A fintech platform that enables users to translate local currency into euros or dollars for personal and business use
A fintech platform that enables users to translate local currency into euros or dollars for personal and business use
#FastTrackTech were instrumental in building up our teams. What used to take me 3 days I can now do in a day.
#FastTrackTech were instrumental in building up our teams. What used to take me 3 days I can now do in a day.
Inonge Imasiku
Founder, Mangwee Payments, Zambia
A payment platform and data management system for educational institutions
A payment platform and data management system for educational institutions
Beem platform allowed me to reinforce training by using SMS messages to reach thousands of farmers in villages across central Tanzania.
Beem platform allowed me to reinforce training by using SMS messages to reach thousands of farmers in villages across central Tanzania.
Taha Jiwaji
Founder and CEO, Beem, Tanzania
A messaging, USSD, airtime, mobile payment and chatbot services for businesses, including banks, retail outlets, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), even church groups
A messaging, USSD, airtime, mobile payment and chatbot services for businesses, including banks, retail outlets, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), even church groups
O'genius platform helped so much. #FastTrackTech-sponsored webinars were such amazing learning.
O'genius platform helped so much. #FastTrackTech-sponsored webinars were such amazing learning.
Origene Igiraneza
Founder and CEO, O’genius Panda, Rwanda
A software start-up that develops mobile and web solutions in the areas of education, service delivery and other related IT services
A software start-up that develops mobile and web solutions in the areas of education, service delivery and other related IT services
Denko Kuna Foni Koita platform saves lives. #FastTrackTech helped develop the model by offering business mentoring and networking opportunities.
Denko Kuna Foni Koita platform saves lives. #FastTrackTech helped develop the model by offering business mentoring and networking opportunities.
Fatoumata Bocoum Koita
CEO, Denko Kuna Foni Koita, Mali
A health tech platform for girls and women
A health tech platform for girls and women


10 March 2022


Digital entrepreneurship will accelerate the digital transformation of Africa, a key driver for reaching Sustainable Development Goals.
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ITC in the media

Africa Briefing
19 Sep 2023
12 Dec 2022
12 Dec 2022
Top Africa News
16 Mar 2022
Market screener
5 Apr 2021
People Daily
25 Nov 2020

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p style="margin-bottom: 7.5pt; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"><span style="font-size: 18px;">The International Trade Centre&rsquo;s #FastTrackTech project is harnessing the transformative power of the digital economy to generate jobs and contribute to the economic growth and productivity in seven African countries.&nbsp;</span></p><p style="margin-bottom: 7.5pt; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"><span style="font-size: 18px;">The project supports tech startups and digital entrepreneurs in Benin, C&ocirc;te d&rsquo;Ivoire, Ethiopia, Mali, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia, equipping them with digital and managerial skills as they establish their businesses, grow, and export their services.&nbsp;</span></p><p style="margin-bottom: 7.5pt; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"><span style="font-size: 18px;">Digital entrepreneurs across the continent are accelerating the digital transformation of Africa, a key driver to strengthening economies and implementing Sustainable Development Goals such as quality education, gender equality, decent work and economic growth. Successful digital entrepreneurship also benefits young innovators and helps close the digital gender gap.</span></p><p style="margin-bottom: 7.5pt; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"><span style="font-size: 18px;">#FastTrackTech works with local tech hubs to build tech start-ups&rsquo; capacity to scale their business and equip aspiring entrepreneurs with digital skills. The project started in 2019 and continued in the same model for 2 years. Since 2022 the project is powered by ITC&apos;s Switch ON initiative, and focusses on Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia. Benin, C&ocirc;te d&rsquo;Ivoire, Ethiopia, Mali are since then part of the Netherlands Trust Fund V project which also leverages the #FastTrackTech methodology.&nbsp;</span></p><p><br></p>

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ECOWAS: West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP)
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Expanding West African trade 

The West African Competitiveness Programme, or WACOMP, harnesses the expertise of the International Trade Centre (ITC) to increase regional integration through trade. We promote conducive business environments and greater participation of the private sector in a public-private dialogue on trade policy.

Our regional programme concentrates on improving micro, small and medium-sized enterprises’ access to secure investments and improving their regional reach. We also work to advance production and processing in the agro-food industry.

To improve business performance and value chain connectivity, we are reinforcing national trade and investment support institutions as well as supporting the ECOWAS Trade Promotion Organisations Network to share best practices and insights.

WACOMP also operates national programmes in Guinea, Senegal and Sierra Leone, which advance particular national priorities. 

Business tools 

We are extending the use of ITC technological tools to gather comprehensive information in the region.

The WACOMP Observatory is a monitoring tool for the trade competitiveness of West African countries, aiding policymakers in defining trade policies and supporting local SMEs in integrating into regional value chains. The Trade Obstacles Alert Mechanism (TOAM) identifies existing trade barriers with the goal of addressing them to improve regional trade flows. 

Additionally, ITC has integrated the ECOWAS trade map tool (ECOTIS) on the ECOWAS Commission’s website. This tool assists in tracking trade performance and capitalizing on potential trade opportunities in the region.  

Export products


WACOMP Regional

WACOMP Regional 12 12 July 2021


The first training session was a mind-opener to the growth opportunities that exist in other African markets. My team looks forward to learning more on how we can build resilience as we scale up.
The first training session was a mind-opener to the growth opportunities that exist in other African markets. My team looks forward to learning more on how we can build resilience as we scale up.
Kwesi Kwofie
Technology and services company
Technology and services company
Above all, the trainings have enabled us to see our strategies from a new angle, consider export possibilities, and to think about different scenarios. Today, with our selection, which my team and I are very proud of, we hope that the tools that will be made available to us will enable us to further strengthen our strategy and be able to sell in the sub-regional market.
Above all, the trainings have enabled us to see our strategies from a new angle, consider export possibilities, and to think about different scenarios. Today, with our selection, which my team and I are very proud of, we hope that the tools that will be made available to us will enable us to further strengthen our strategy and be able to sell in the sub-regional market.
Aichatoun Amadou Toure
Technology and communication start-up
Technology and communication start-up
Through the WACOMP trainings, we discovered insidious actions that we were carrying out without much attention. This has led us to review our commercial approaches. I appreciate the open-mindedness of the facilitators and participants as well.
Through the WACOMP trainings, we discovered insidious actions that we were carrying out without much attention. This has led us to review our commercial approaches. I appreciate the open-mindedness of the facilitators and participants as well.
Fabrice Sonzahi
Open data and AI technology company
Open data and AI technology company
Both the B2B and the trade fair were very essential to our individual businesses as we had a positive connection with potential buyers and companies. The only source of knowledge is experience.
Both the B2B and the trade fair were very essential to our individual businesses as we had a positive connection with potential buyers and companies. The only source of knowledge is experience.
Nyakeh Abdulai
Sinava Women Agricultural Development Association (SiWADA)




Previous projects


In retrospect, the Pineapple Sector Revival Project (REFILA) emerges as a pivotal WACOMP initiative, championed by ITC. 

The project sought to revitalize Guinea's pineapple industry by optimizing the entire value chain, fostering sustainable economic growth, and creating a conducive business environment. During the project, 327 tonnes of pineapple were exported in Africa and internationally 

As a result of the project, 14 businesses were launched thanks to ITC' support, including three owned by women owned. Networking activities led to 339 business contacts  reported by beneficiaries. 

As an implementing partner, the ITC strategically facilitated Guinean pineapple access to international markets through market identification, robust marketing plans, client support in new export ventures, and crucial linkages with target markets. 

The project spotlighted Guinea's diverse pineapple varieties, emphasizing the potential for niche markets and international exports. 

Crucially, the initiative was made possible through the support of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the Comité de Liaison Europe-Afrique-Caraïbes-Pacifique. 

With a focus on the Baronne de Rothschild and smooth Cayenne varieties, the project sought to position Guinea prominently in the global pineapple market. 

WACOMP Guinea resources

Videos from previous projects


WACOMP Guinée 13 7 December 2022

Sustainable Development Goals

This project contributes to the following Sustainable Development Goals, as defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

<p>The overall objective of the regional programme is to &quot;strengthen the competitiveness of West Africa by enhancing the production, transformation, and export capacities of the private sector in alignment with regional and national industrial and SME strategies.&quot; The specific objective is &quot;to improve the performance and growth of selected priority sectors and value chains and related services by stimulating their contribution to industry, regional trade, and exports.&quot;</p><p></p><p>The ITC&apos;s intervention through the West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP) involves implementing activities that promote better regional linkages among selected value chains, support key regional intermediary organizations, reinforce industrial competitiveness in the region, and establish the West African Competitiveness Observatory along with related business tools.</p>

Guinea: Relance de la filière ananas (REFILA)
Sénégal: Programme d'appui à la Compétitivité de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (PACAO)
Sierra Leone: West Africa Competitiveness Programme
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Sub-Saharan Africa
Contextual menu

While multi-dimensional poverty remains high in sub-Saharan Africa, the continent's high growth rates and youthful demographics make it an attractive investment destination. Big opportunities exist to create jobs, boost incomes and reduce poverty by connecting African small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to international trade and increasing local value addition to Africa’s assets in agrifood, manufacturing and services. ITC’s emphasis on digital connectivity and the green transition is helping transform digital landscapes across Sub Saharan Africa with our support to tech startups and tech hubs.

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Least developed countries
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We deliver customized solutions for least developed countries (LDCs), enabling them to increase their participation in the global economy and reach development goals through exports. We focus on creating access to digital technologies and capabilities in LDCs, where current internet penetration is at 27%, as this is increasingly critical to ensure opportunities are universally shared. We also assist LDCs in their bid for WTO membership, and support their implementation of WTO agreements.

1 %
LDCs' share of global trade
95 %
of all jobs in LDCs are in small businesses
90 %
of all companies globally are small businesses
100+ projects
implemented by ITC in 43 LDCs
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Flagship events (for relations)
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Contextual menu

ITC’s One Trade Africa initiative supports the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), empowering African enterprises, especially women- and youth-led businesses, to access market opportunities from continental integration. The initiative is an integrated package of technical assistance solutions that ITC is offering to the African business community operating in both the formal and informal sectors.

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